Media expert, educator, theologian. A graduate of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University and the Academy of Special Education, she also completed a six-month research internship at the University of Toronto. Assistant professor at the Academy of Social and Media Culture. Author of books on disinformation, especially the publication ‘Fake news. Genesis, essence, counteraction' and scientific articles on psychological vulnerability to disinformation. Member of the Polish Society for National Security and the Polish Society for Social Communication.
From 2022 to 2024, she is an expert on countering disinformation at the NASK National Research Institute and an analyst at the Centre for Security Studies at the Academy of Military Arts. Her analytical and research interests revolve around the following areas: qualitative analysis of media messages, media manipulation techniques, Russian and Chinese influence operations, individual and social vulnerability to disinformation, building information competence in civil society, impact of technological development on human cognitive development and social transformation, development of malicious AI.
Klaudia Rosińska, PhD
02 October 2024 / 13:15 - 14:15 / Scene - TRENDS&FUTURE (Syrena/Wawel)
10 October 2023 / 14:45 - 15:45 / Scene - Kometa